【#牙齒健康 咪信肉眼判斷 👁️🗨️ 專科獸醫幫手睇真啲】🪥 有冇每日為毛孩清理口腔嘅習慣?🔜 原來疏忽清潔,口腔內嘅牙菌斑會喺 24 小時內形成,就有機會引發 #牙周病:除咗導致甩牙、牙齦萎縮,一旦發生口腔潰瘍,細菌繼而感染其他部位,更有機會造成口鼻瘻管、下顎骨折同失明,甚或影響心臟、腎臟同胰臟 等 😵💫!唔想演變到咁大件事,就要記住 #預防勝於治療 🛡️~但當發現寵物有 口臭、流口水、厭食、出牙血或咀嚼困難 等情況,單靠洗牙未必足夠。🗓️ 不妨趁 VSH 牙科專科獸醫道世祈醫生喺11月25至12月7號作 #特別應診 期間,帶佢哋嚟做個深入檢查!💁 幫到各位寵物嘅專業牙科護理方案包括:🦷 綜合口腔健康評估與治療 (COHAT)🦷 剝牙手術🦷 牙周病治療🦷 根管治療🦷 牙齒修復查詢或預約 📞 2408 2588。📍 VSH 香港:灣仔道165-171號地下至2樓📍 VSH 九龍:何文田自由道7號地下至1樓【Prioritise Pets’ #dentalhealth ☝️ Specialist Care Available】🪥Do you clean your pet’s teeth daily? 🔜 Plaque can form on a pet’s teeth within 24 hours if neglected, which may lead to #periodontaldisease. This condition can cause tooth loss and gum recession, and if it worsens, it could result in oral ulcers, infections spreading to other areas, and even risks such as oronasal fistulas, jaw fractures, blindness, and impact vital organs like the heart, kidneys, and pancreas 😵💫!To avoid these serious complications, remember #prevention is better than cure 🛡️. If you notice bad breath, drooling, loss of appetite, gum bleeding, or difficulty chewing, a simple cleaning might not be enough. 🗓️ Take advantage of VSH’s Specialist in Veterinary Dentistry, Dr Cedric Tutt, who will be available for #specialconsultations from 25th November to 7th December for in-depth assessments!💁 Our comprehensive dental care services include:🦷 Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment (COHAT)🦷 Extractions🦷 Periodontal Disease Treatment🦷 Root Canal Therapy🦷 Dental RestorationsEnquiries or appointments 📞 2408 2588.📍 VSH Hong Kong: G/F-2/F, 165-171 Wan Chai Road📍 VSH Kowloon: G/F-1/F, 7 Liberty Avenue#VSH #專醫有道 #獸醫牙科 #寵物健康 #proactive #vetdentistry #pethealth #abetterworldforpets #proudlymvh #proudlymars #proudlymvhasia