【💮 櫻花盛開 狗狗莫愛 🙅】初春來時 🌱,綻放嘅粉色花海,為多區帶嚟滿滿和風!! 賞花漫步固然浪漫 💕,但各位狗主人又知唔知 ☣️ #櫻花 其實對狗狗有毒?🌿 首先,枯葉、樹皮、種子同未開嘅花朶 含有 #氰化物,進入狗狗體內會轉化為 #氰化氫,影響細胞帶氧,導致 屙嘔、缺氧、身體乏力甚至 癲癇;🌸 #花粉 #芳香化合物(苯類、醛類) 亦可能引致過敏(打噴嚏、流眼水、皮膚痕)、呼吸困難 或 嗅覺系統刺激,極少數狗狗可能會焦躁、流口水;🌳 此外,樹脂、樹膠(樹幹受損時分泌)帶有 #酚類,亦可能引起愛寵腸胃不適,或黏住而刺激皮毛;🍂 亦要留意腐爛嘅花葉含有 #細菌 #霉菌毒素,狗狗舔食後可能會有 腸胃炎、腹瀉 或 中毒!要避免上述風險,大家帶狗狗去郊遊、行山、去公園時,請務必 ✅:🦮 拉實狗帶,避免毛孩亂咬樹木同落葉;🧹 清理地面殘留嘅花瓣、樹枝,防止誤食;🐾 規劃出行路線,避免花粉較多嘅環境;🚑 如果懷疑狗狗接觸或食咗櫻花,應立即向獸醫求助!📲 Save 低呢個 post同share比其他狗主朋友,一齊安心享受花季!如有寵物急症需求 📞 2408 2588 / WhatsApp 💬 6848 2588。【💮 Cherry Blossoms Are Beautiful—But Dangerous for Dogs 🙅】As spring arrives 🌱, some areas of our town are painted in dreamy shades of pink. While #cherryblossoms make for a perfect scenic walk 💕, did you know ☣️ these blossoms are actually toxic to dogs?🌿 The leaves, bark, seeds, and unopened buds contain #cyanogeniccompounds that release #cyanide when ingested. This can block oxygen absorption, leading to vomiting, hypoxia, weakness, or even seizures.🌸 #pollen #aromaticcompounds (benzene, aldehydes) can trigger allergic reactions (sneezing, watery eyes, itchy skin), respiratory distress, or olfactory irritation. A few dogs may become restless or drool excessively.🌳 Tree sap & resin, which oozes when the bark is damaged, contains #phenoliccompounds that may cause digestive upset or stick to fur, causing irritation.🍂 Rotten leaves & flowers may carry #bacteria & #mould toxins, leading to gastroenteritis, diarrhoea, or poisoning if licked or eaten.To keep your pup safe this cherry blossom season, make sure to ✅:🦮 Keep your dog on a leash and prevent them from chewing on trees or fallen leaves.🧹 Clear away any petals and twigs on the ground to avoid accidental ingestion.🐾 Plan your walking routes to avoid areas with heavy pollen.🚑 Seek veterinary help immediately if you suspect your dog has ingested cherry blossoms!📲 Save this post and share with you fellow pet parents to stay safe this flower season! For emergency veterinary care 📞 2408 2588 / WhatsApp 💬 6848 2588.#VSH #寵物情報課 #賞櫻 #寵物急症 #procaretips #cherryblossom #pettoxicity #vetemergency #betterworldforpets #proudlymvh #proudlymars #proudlymvhasia